You are invited for a big party with lot of people. Needless to say there is some great food, mouth-watering desserts etc. Just looking @ these yummy stuff with their great aroma, hunger pangs start to creep in! *Drool* But the party is going on still & no one has yet ventured into the food! *Sigh* But yes ofcourse most ppl are secretly wanting to attack the food....either to satisfy their craving for the food if not finish off the party soon to head home!
Finally the host invites all the guests to start eating! *Thank God!* The food tastes as good *if not better* than it looks! *Slurp!* The host being kind hearted, insists on indulging in more! *WOW!* And ofcourse giving in to greed & unable to resist, more generous helpings are taken! *Gee!*
And then is when the trouble started! There were some people @ the party who were unable to rejoice the food either cos they were extra diet / figure conscious ; if not could not bear to see others enjoy ; or simply cos they couldnt rejoice the food themselves due to their health or some other reason.
These people were so damn jobless that they actually keep track of the number of helpings each person takes! And come up with comments like A gulped 4 rasagullas, B ate 5 bhaturas, C drank 3 cups of payasam & D had 2 helpings of the cake & pudding etc! *Whoa, what great statisticians! Wish they could use these skills more usefully!*
These above mentioned stasticians are actually better than the second kind! *Cos they atleast comment only after the generous helpings are taken!* The second kind actually stare at you when you head for the helpings! And some even have the cheek to remark, Oh my! you are taking yet another serving?!
Hang on, its not done yet! Now comes the spiteful category! These people dread being the host. They would comment *on the sly* "You know X ate 6 masala dosas at Y's party! If I were to invite X for my party then I have to be cooking non-stop!" But you know the best part, they would comment this but still crib & invite X to their party sometime! *Hypocrites!*
Anycase I just wish these jobless statisticians to venture into more constructive work if not start rejoicing food & life better! What concern is to them how much each person eats? Its their life after all! When the person eating is not bothered abt the extra calories why be so nosy in what others do! I dont mean to say all of us should be gluttons or just binge more....but just not to be looking at what others eat, count what they eat & then comment on what all they've eaten! To me its just too disgusting! Each individual knows how much they want & how much they can eat. So why bother @ the rest?!
Just look into ur plate & listen to ur tummy! Do not worry abt the rest! Count ur blessings not what others eat! Life is too short to miss out on all the goodness *especially the good food!!! ;)* What say?!
Finally the host invites all the guests to start eating! *Thank God!* The food tastes as good *if not better* than it looks! *Slurp!* The host being kind hearted, insists on indulging in more! *WOW!* And ofcourse giving in to greed & unable to resist, more generous helpings are taken! *Gee!*
And then is when the trouble started! There were some people @ the party who were unable to rejoice the food either cos they were extra diet / figure conscious ; if not could not bear to see others enjoy ; or simply cos they couldnt rejoice the food themselves due to their health or some other reason.
These people were so damn jobless that they actually keep track of the number of helpings each person takes! And come up with comments like A gulped 4 rasagullas, B ate 5 bhaturas, C drank 3 cups of payasam & D had 2 helpings of the cake & pudding etc! *Whoa, what great statisticians! Wish they could use these skills more usefully!*
These above mentioned stasticians are actually better than the second kind! *Cos they atleast comment only after the generous helpings are taken!* The second kind actually stare at you when you head for the helpings! And some even have the cheek to remark, Oh my! you are taking yet another serving?!
Hang on, its not done yet! Now comes the spiteful category! These people dread being the host. They would comment *on the sly* "You know X ate 6 masala dosas at Y's party! If I were to invite X for my party then I have to be cooking non-stop!" But you know the best part, they would comment this but still crib & invite X to their party sometime! *Hypocrites!*
Anycase I just wish these jobless statisticians to venture into more constructive work if not start rejoicing food & life better! What concern is to them how much each person eats? Its their life after all! When the person eating is not bothered abt the extra calories why be so nosy in what others do! I dont mean to say all of us should be gluttons or just binge more....but just not to be looking at what others eat, count what they eat & then comment on what all they've eaten! To me its just too disgusting! Each individual knows how much they want & how much they can eat. So why bother @ the rest?!
Just look into ur plate & listen to ur tummy! Do not worry abt the rest! Count ur blessings not what others eat! Life is too short to miss out on all the goodness *especially the good food!!! ;)* What say?!
At 9:14 AM,
Junius said…
u have written it out so well :-) after reading this, i am dying here with hunger...
ya its purely ridiculous naa how sick these ppl are...
but we cant do anything naa..?...
At 10:08 AM,
geeth said…
Truly jobless!
They are loosing more on not eating and watching people.. they've got no life?
At 10:13 AM,
Shanthi said…
But if A = B = C = D; then God please bless him/her with good health : )
At 10:23 AM,
Has to be me said…
Thank u fr the compliment! :) When I hear such kind of ppl commenting I tell them, (sarcastically & nastily & most importantly loudly with a smile) "Oh so it is ur job to keep track of who is eating how much?!" & embarass them in front of all the others!
Absolutely...they got no better thing to do!
ha ha! :)
At 11:17 AM,
rachana said…
enjoyed reading ur post..tongue and tummy can decide on 'what' and 'how much'should be eaten! why to put brain into it!!
At 11:17 AM,
Vishnu said…
karaketa soongenaga.....
nammakku soru kanda edam sorgam :)
At 12:16 PM,
Patty said…
The next time you will be attending one of these events with the statisticians, hand them a piece of paper on your way to the buffet line, with an estimate of what you are planning to eat, and say something clever like "Be sure and keep track and let me know how well I did with my estimations."
It is too silly what some people choose to fixate/comment on! As a host, I am offended if people are NOT eating their fill. If this were my party, I would probably be keeping these people so busy avoiding the food I was pushing on them that they wouldn't have time to be watching what others were having.
Your food discriptions literaly made my mouth water. YUM!
At 1:40 PM,
Has to be me said…
Welcome to my space rachana! U hit the nail bang on the head! Wish others can realise it too! :)
Vishnu, :)
ha ha! True, it is so nice to feed people esp when what u cook gets appreciated & well eaten upon. I find sheer happiness in the same than what these others feel!
At 3:36 PM,
ishipishi said…
i wish i cld comment on dis post but fact is it's late...rajiv's not home yet...and i wanna just give up waiting for him to get home for dinner and gorge on food!!!! *sigh*....
but the post was fab:) true na!
At 3:49 PM,
starry said…
I say enjoy the food, have fun and dont worry about how many helpings someone else has had.If they overeat they meet the consequences.I have seen the spiteful kind even at family gatherings.I think they are the worst kind to talk it over with other people.nice post.want just one Rasgulla.No may be 2.
At 4:01 PM,
Syam said…
cool writting...but I never care about those senseless ppl, I eat what ever I wanted and if there is some food left over then help others to eat more :-)
At 4:21 PM,
prithz said…
Hehe... i love good food... but i am watchful abt others watching me eat.. i am very sensitive abt that.... already i am doing underweight... if bad eyes fall on my eating habits.. then only god has got to save me... :(
Abt these statisticians, i have only one line - "That that man, that that problem!!!" :p
At 5:11 PM,
KK said…
hehehe nice and funny post...
I am a person who enjoys any kinda food taste does not matter much, and If I get food like what you have mentioned then I care a damn about what others have to say.
When they can do what they want or talk what they want, I can eat what I want :)
@Prithz - try not to be so sensitive, people might make use of it for fun.
At 9:32 PM,
Hey...Thts a great treat of a party especially since good Indian food is not always ones luxury!
Anyways, most people are diet conscios nad then maybe count for themselves and they have a persistent need to compare but keep a track record is really silly and serves nothing but some self gratification that psycologically tells them they eat less fat than the others!
Phew, I am on the other hand. People may be saying that I dont eat anything and they can invite me and not cook at all!! :)
ANyways, why bother, just make sure your buddy tummy is cool and happy at the end of day and so is your m ind. People will talk and be hipocrites all the time and we may do so too in some other form without even realising.
As they talk, so you eat!! :)
At 9:45 PM,
Priya said…
I think we eat food to enjoy it rather thinking oh!! I am gonna go fat. God please help those ppl' who are over conscious.
I never waste food and fill my tummy if I like that.
Who cares!!! except my tummy
At 12:01 AM,
Rajesh &Shankari said…
wonder where these people come from, hey I am thick skinned when it comes to food..I eat to my heart's content
At 3:17 AM,
Keshi said…
u r absolutely right girl! I hate ppl who pry on others eating habits. Especially if they r not eating at all!
Well if ur the party host, next time dont invite such skeletons who dunno how to enjoy life.
If someone bothers me that way, I just say it to the face. One day I was getting my 2nd serve when one of the guys there gave me a dumb comment. He said 'my my ur not gonna leave some for others' kinda stupid comment. I turned ard and said 'why wud I leave anything for anyone when most of u r competing to be the slimmest in the grave'...
At 5:19 AM,
Anand said…
Well i agree...i personally believe that one must never comment on others food!....But guess its their own defence mechanism coz like u said..they themsleves cant enjoy theyr trying to make sure nobody can!
At 5:40 AM,
Raghav said…
mmm food... i love eating so bollocks to these statisticians
At 8:18 AM,
quills said…
Aye Aye! Absolutely true. Some busybodies have nothing better to do but pass negative comments about others. But I guess rather than expect them to change for the better, the only solution is to ignore these individuals and live your life the way you feel is right.
And I really hungry now and crave for some of those goodies you wrote about. :)
At 10:58 AM,
Ekta said…
oh god!
I hate going to such parties where u have to think before u eat just cos people are "noticing"...
damn them..will still eat how much and whatever I want..they can continue to be the deprived souls!
At 12:24 PM,
Movie Mazaa said…
am reading, commenting...
and gobbling down as well!
that pretty much sums it up!
At 1:55 PM,
Has to be me said…
Hope Rajiv got back on time & that u guys enjoyed dinner together! Thanks 4 ur comment! :)
Exactly my point too. Wish I cud email u some rasagullas!
Way 2 go!
At 2:00 PM,
Has to be me said…
Chill out - dont bother abt others. Just go ahead & eat well!
U r one hec of a cool guy! Esp cos u say that taste doesnt matter much! Liked ur comment!
Betcha! Indian food is indeed a luxury! And yummy too! True as long as tummy n mind r happy thats all is reqd!
At 2:03 PM,
Has to be me said…
Right, nothing like enjoying a lovely meal.
Right way to be!
LOL! Well said. Such ppl truly deserve nasty comments!
At 2:05 PM,
Has to be me said…
Right attitude!
So good 2 c ya back! Hope u got the goodies to eat! ;) And stay away from those -ve characters with the -ve comments!
At 2:06 PM,
Has to be me said…
Yupee. These noticing kind are a nuisance indeed!
hope u;d a hearty meal! :)
At 4:33 PM,
Syam said…
@KK, we have a friend who really cares about quantity rather quality, so we call his as broiler chicken :-)
At 7:01 PM,
quills said…
Thanks so much for checking up on me in between. It has been, well still is a very busy time for me, and therefore not had a chance to blog regularly. Plus been traveling as well. But I am really happy to read my fav bloggers posts and get a chance to comment. :)
Hope you good too. And yes, managed to get some yummy cake this evening. :)
At 7:30 PM,
KK said…
@Syam - That's funny! heheheh
At 8:28 PM,
Scoot said…
ur darn right.everyone should just go abt their own business.
and i get hungry again after reading all this :)
At 12:39 AM,
Jinguchakka said…
Somebody commented on your eating which led to this angry post?
btw, I had a difficult time reading through your post. The delicious foods you describe made me more hungry and distracted about what you are trying to say!
At 3:17 AM,
Keshi said…
At 8:24 AM,
Has to be me said…
I know it must be so difficult to manage both work & home + travelling I can imagine! I wld probably go beserk!! So nice that u do keep dropping by & keep checking. Hope ur work pressure eases out soon so that u are back in full action in the blogworld! :)
LOL! Hope u'd a sumptuous meal soon! :D
Not really! U know @ most parties that I attend to, this is one helluva hot topic for discussion! So much so that one person even commented on a 3 yr old girl drinking tons of payasam! I got soooooo annoyed & furious @ that! Ofcourse if at all anyone tells me I turn a deaf ear to them & also say something sarky to them! But this cant just go on & on!
At 5:10 PM,
Ms Congeniality said…
romba neriyaa indha maadhiri comments face pannirkeenga pola??
True though :-)
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