Excuse me.......
A learned wise man (rishiji) once told me this story which is worth sharing & the context to the same in our real life.
There was man who had to cross a lake. His only way of getting across to the other side of the shore was by means of a boat. So he got on to one of the boats & took control of the oars & started rowing inorder to reach the other side.
However after rowing for sometime, he realised that he wasn't progressing enuff and his hands started to pain after rowing for sometime. He concluded that there was a problem with the oars & hence came back to the shore & got into another boat & started rowing the new boat.
But oops! there seemed to be a problem with the oars of this boat too. And so he kept changing the boats. And started cribbing about how bad the boats were maintained & that the oars were not good at all & failed to cross the lake.
But what was the truth?
The truth was he did not now how to row a boat!!!
Moral of the story (in relation to our real life)
1. It is easier to blame someone else to cover our defects & come up with all sorts of excuses. Rather take the responsibility ourselves & face the situation & deal with the same.
2. While coming up with excuses, we fail to focus on the main goals in life. So rather focus on ur goal rather than the problems.
3. Learn to overcome your defects to be successful.
There was man who had to cross a lake. His only way of getting across to the other side of the shore was by means of a boat. So he got on to one of the boats & took control of the oars & started rowing inorder to reach the other side.
However after rowing for sometime, he realised that he wasn't progressing enuff and his hands started to pain after rowing for sometime. He concluded that there was a problem with the oars & hence came back to the shore & got into another boat & started rowing the new boat.
But oops! there seemed to be a problem with the oars of this boat too. And so he kept changing the boats. And started cribbing about how bad the boats were maintained & that the oars were not good at all & failed to cross the lake.
But what was the truth?
The truth was he did not now how to row a boat!!!
Moral of the story (in relation to our real life)
1. It is easier to blame someone else to cover our defects & come up with all sorts of excuses. Rather take the responsibility ourselves & face the situation & deal with the same.
2. While coming up with excuses, we fail to focus on the main goals in life. So rather focus on ur goal rather than the problems.
3. Learn to overcome your defects to be successful.
At 12:57 PM,
Ganesh Ranganathan said…
Most of us do that thing in our lives...instead of seeing how things can be done better, we complain about others not allowing things to be done in a better way
At 1:02 PM,
prithz said…
So damn true. Wonderful real life example!!!! You pass on some really awesome messages and values for life... keep them coming.. there is a lot to learn in life and live happily... take care... :)
At 1:37 PM,
Has to be me said…
Right. Only wish that doesnt happen & that we cultivate good things.
Thanks for those lovely words of encouragement. :)
Brown eye,
Glad u did & hope u practice the same.
At 2:53 PM,
s0ulasylum said…
what a goof na that guy was.. all the energy he spent goin bk and changing boats , had he used it in progressing forward.. he could make it around the world twice! :)
but the moral makes a lot of sense.. its so easy to place the blame rather than to take blame for ur own actions!
At 3:12 PM,
Rajesh &Shankari said…
oh yeah, i like this moral,I have been listening to whining from someone, I should maybe send this to them
At 3:58 PM,
KK said…
Very Nice post...Truly, something that I beleive on...I have argued with my parents many times, whenever they used to blame things on time...saying time is bad cant help it...I firmly beleive in "What ever happening to us is a resultant of whatever we did in the past"
Hope this post of yours rings the bell for S0ulasylum to not to blame me ;)
At 4:26 PM,
Has to be me said…
Betcha! thats y i guess we gotta do constructive things & spend time wisely.
Sure feel free to pass it on esp if it were to help someone.
Ya I believe in Karma too & also try to believe in "whatever happens, happens fr good"! (when things work in our favour!!! ;)
At 5:31 PM,
Pavithra said…
Nice post !! The toughest thing in life is to accept out mistakes/incapabilities. I remember the saying " Remember, if u point one finger at another, the other 4 are pointing at u".
At 6:40 PM,
Aditi said…
Hehe all i could think was that.. man he took the trouble of rowing back to shore and changing boats... i woulda kept at it.. eventually i woulda hit the otherside with the same effort right?
good story though..rather true too
At 6:55 PM,
Hip Grandma said…
there are many who'd blame others for their fate rather than take responsibility.aditi's comment above was good made me think.let us all take responsibility for our situation rather than look for a scapegoat to lay the blame on.
At 9:22 PM,
Syam said…
//Learn to overcome your defects to be successful//
this is not an easy job...so I stick to complaining about the oars :-)
At 9:24 PM,
Syam said…
//Remember, if u point one finger at another, the other 4 are pointing at u"//
moral of the story "show all the fingures at others" :-)
At 2:48 AM,
Like they say "A bad workman blames his tools"....True we always keep cribbing and thinking something is rong with something external without just stopping by for a minute and thinking there is something in us tht needs improvement.:)
At 6:28 AM,
starry said…
So true.we dont want to admit that something is wrong with us but keep blameing everything and everyone around us. Good moral to this story.
At 11:06 AM,
Movie Mazaa said…
How true!! Passing the buck is the order of the day, so much so that by the end of it all, petty much everyone around would have had the honours, so to say.
Shouldering resposibility takes not just curage, but a lot of resolve and determination. Sharing requires much less.
At 1:40 PM,
Has to be me said…
Thats rite...first we shd watch our own b4 commenting abt others.
Maybe I wasnt clear in expressing properly. The man didnt proceed much @ all cos he didnt know how to row properly. But point noted & thats valid in the real life.
V.true, responsibility is the key.
At 1:42 PM,
Has to be me said…
ha ha! What do I say if thats ur attitude?! ;)
Ya as long as all of us realise & recognise out faults & most importantly accept the same, makes things better for all.
At 1:44 PM,
Has to be me said…
Thanks for the appreciation.
Hmm so have u passed the buck?! ;)Just kiddin!! How many ppl actually shoulder their responsibilities?! Hope ppl start to realise the same which makes life better.
At 4:16 PM,
Mind Curry said…
yeah it always helps to "play" the victim even if you are not..i guess thats another very "useful" tactic..nice post.
At 2:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
GREAT post!! Very inspirational! :o) Thank you for stopping by my blog as well, & for your comments! I appreciate it so much! I really hope to see you around often as well! :o)
At 12:22 PM,
Patty said…
Age has helped me to look at rowing skills a little quicker than I used to. Had I gotten in that boat in my early twenties, I would probably still be sitting there, screaming at the boat, the oars, the water, but never meself. Now I am learning that I can effect the greatest change by looking within and finding what I can change about a situation, and/or about my attitude towards it.
At 4:31 AM,
Ms Congeniality said…
Good story and wonderful morals..very true :-)
At 5:19 AM,
Junius said…
seek the truth and the truth shall set u free :-)
At 9:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
words of wisdom!!! :)
At 10:29 AM,
geeth said…
How true!
So embarassing to note that sometimes we are in those situations, right?
At 10:53 AM,
Ekta said…
Completely true!
We often tend to blame others for our weaknesses and fail to look at us!....
Guess the world would be a much better place if only we'd look at ourselves before pointing the finger at someone else!
At 11:00 AM,
Rose said…
Golden Words, Dude... Golden Words..
At 11:38 AM,
Has to be me said…
Thanx & welcome back. Been a long time pal!
Sure friend!
One advt of getting older is that we (hopefully) are getting wiser! :)
At 11:40 AM,
Has to be me said…
Ms Con
Thanx 4 the appreciation :)
:) Sure r u free?! ;)
Betcha! Esp considering the fact that its from a wise & learned man
At 11:48 AM,
Has to be me said…
Wud be so nice if v dont get into such situations!
Yes ofcourse. Only wish it is as easy as it seems to practice the same!!
Yes they r indeed! :)
At 1:32 PM,
Pritika Gupta said…
hey gr8 post
At 8:51 PM,
Alex said…
Very true...we fail to see the root of our problems...we fail to know ourselves..self realisation is crucial...
At 2:04 AM,
Keshi said…
great story and great lessons!
At 2:57 AM,
Known Stranger said…
good one
At 11:06 AM,
Has to be me said…
Thanks :)
Well said & thanks for dropping over @ my blog.
Thanks - hope ppl appreciate the same & practice it too.
Thank u.
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